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LIVE FROM HERE w/ Chris Thile | Tour dates w/ Death Cab For Cutie

Dear Ones,

My Brightest Diamond will be joining the folks at Live From Here with Chris Thile this Saturday, January 12th for a very special live radio show that also features Mandolin Orange, Judy Gold and Gaby Moreno. The show is being recorded at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City, MO and tickets are available HERE. The show will broadcast live across the United States and beyond at 5pm CST. You can find your local radio station HERE or stream the show at

And we are pumped to announce that Shara and band will support Death Cab For Cutie on a run of shows across the Southern United States. These fall right in between My Brightest Diamond headline shows on the West and East Coasts. All dates HERE.

Keep your eyes on Instagram & see you soon!

-Team MBD

Photo by Catalina Florea / @notcatpig

Photo by Catalina Florea / @notcatpig